Saturday, July 07, 2007

I sense a change in the winds says I....Aaaargh

What can I say, June ended up being quite a month of change for me. It seems that I am once again in the job market. I knew once the Corillian/Checkfree buyout was announced, nothing good would come of it. It's always the same. Big companies are ruthless and give little regard to no regard for the little guy. Nothing wrong with that, its capitalism at its best and I am a capitalist at heart.

So now what? Well, for now I am applying for obvious jobs and spending lots of time with the family. We spent the last few days camping in the 5th Wheel out on the farm in Molalla. My uncle Jack ( keeps the pool at 90 degrees plus! It actually doesn't bother me like it seems to bother some, especially when its really hot outside. Plus, its great for Samuel as he seems to turn blue in water colder than 80 degrees. Now we are waiting to see if we will get the extra week in Sunriver and also getting ready to take a trip to S. California to visit my fathers side of the family.

I am optimistic at this point about job/business opportunities. I did finally get to talk to my old boss from Corillian yesterday and feel better since the conversation. I have applied for some openings at Corillian which I am more than qualified for. It will be interesting to see how seriously I am taken. I guess I will find out what some individuals really think of me. I had a great talk with my Uncle about politics, corporate America PC'ness, and Fred Thompson.

I am a lot like my Uncle in that I tend to lack tact at times, spot and expose BS without hesitation, and speak my mind. He is retired from the Pipeline Safety division of the PUC. Talk about politics, it doesn't get much worse than a state job. I decided that if I am seriously going to pursue a state job I had better get the straight poop on making it in a pungently PC environment. After discussing how JFK destroyed public education in America by allowing the unionizing of teaching and the creation of the NEA, we got down to the nitty gritty.

The bottom line is that its important to carefully choose your battles. It also seems to be advantages to have an advocate in high places that understands and even appreciates bluntness and distaste for unnecessary BS.

So, its onward and hopefully upward for me, with a new sense of caution in personal perception. Pictures of the family, the 4th, and the last few days of camping here:

Over and out!

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