Sunday, February 04, 2007

Recent Email/Response to GOP NC.

Thank you for contacting the Republican National Committee. Your comments will be included in the daily report to the Chairman. We appreciate your input.

-----Original Message-----
From: David Nightingale [hidden]
Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2007 12:33 PM
To: Info Services Temp
Cc: hidden
Subject: From member - please forward to President of GOP

Dear GOP Leadership,

I saw the Subject line of this email in a recent Newsmax article. So, the first thing I thought was, they must be looking for another actor. The reason is that John Cox appears to be as Reagan-like as I have seen in a long time but no mention of him. So what is the problem? Is he not in the bohemian “in” crowd? Is it because he does not have an extensive political background? I am about as close to a common conservative as it gets. I am an evangelical Christian who collects guns and trains in his free time to defend the constitution against both foreign AND domestic no matter what, by any means necessary. I still work in I.T. after barely surviving the dotcom bust and am 100% convinced the ONLY way to financial freedom is what I do outside my regular job. My family struggles on a single income but we both agreed our kids going to the caliber of public school in our area (Yamhill county, OR) was simply not an option. This is mostly due to the fact that the teachers don’t have time to help our kids advance because they are spending all available time with legal and probably some illegal Mexican students on basic language, behavior, and hygiene issues. I also have a strong entrepreneurial itch that flares up every once in a while and in process of starting an IT Security consulting firm, my second home business. I am 35 years old, married, with 3 kids, 3 bedroom, 2 bath house, 2 dogs and 2 cars both with over 100K miles on them. I spend as much time at work standing up to liberals and debating religious and political issue as much as I can without creating and ulcer.

I have already entered and exited the conspiracy theory stage of my life and am a better man because of it. I figure there is no point in worrying about what you guys do in front of a stupid owl statue, when I have enough on my plate to worry about already. Not to mention, most of these guys that are obsessed, are selling stuff.

My point to all of this is to establish that I am an average republican guy. I grew up in family that wasn’t super rich but has a lot of assets and have hung onto them through the generations. I grew up on a tree/timber farm and learned to work hard physically as a young kid. I suppose that’s what motivated me to learn computers on my own. I have made some wrong and right choices. I am not overly paranoid, but I know the smell of cow manure when I smell it, and am a good judge of character. I love freedom, like to help the weak to help them self, and those who can’t; stand in the Gap for them. I like to spread the good news of our Lord and Savior without prejudice. John Cox claims to be a Reagan like candidate, but there was no mention of him in the article. Did anyone from Newsmax call you guys about the article they were writing? What do you honestly think about John Cox? Frankly, no political experience to a guy like me is a bonus, not a detriment.

I am sure you all have seen the effects of letting the party slide into Rhino territory. I cant count the number is disgruntled Republicans I have met and know personally, some have even left the party and some are even voting Liberal out of spite. Did you know that was happening? The general feeling is, we need more Patton and less patent leather, to coin a phrase from a popular radio talk show host. Kick the media out of the Middle East, drop leaflets with a 72 hour warning, put together a rebuild fund, and turn the Sunni Triangle into a parking lot. It would probably be cheaper and produced less causalities in the long run anyway. I realize this is simplistic, but you get the general idea. I would really like to continue to support the Republican Party, but need to see some changes and willingness to go outside the old boys club. I am very interested in your thoughts concerning John Cox, and very interested in seeing him progress to the elections. I hope you will forward this to someone in the GOP leadership.

God Bless the United States of America.


David Nightingale

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